Firewall help

The mobile access feature in InboxGuardian requires Internet access on the ports it is using. Without this access mobile devices will be unable to connect and therefore unable to retrieve spam free mail.

First of all you need to know which ports InboxGuardian is using. To find this out do the following:

1. Open InboxGuaridan.
2. Click on the Mobile Access tab and choose Server Settings.
3. Locate the port numbers for both management and mail server.

This process is shown in the image below:

So for the example in question the ports are 81 and 110.

Every firewall is different but they all offer the ability to set incoming and outgoing rules. Both ports need to be open for both incoming and outgoing. The protocol required is TCP.

The Flash video below will show an example of creating these rules. The firewall in the example is the Windows 7 firewall.

The video may take a few seconds to load, simply click the the play button at the bottom to start the video once loaded.

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