Auto importing your account(s) from Outlook

This tutorial will go through the steps required to automatically import your accounts from Microsoft Outlook

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If you have Outlook installed then InboxGuardian should show all available accounts in the Import email account(s) section, as shown on the right.

For this tutorial just select one account so the process is fully understood before adding more accounts.

Simply check the box next to the account you want to import and enter the password for that account.

Once done click the Test button to make sure the password is correct, then click Next.


The next step is Integration. It's possible, as shown on the right, to automatically integrate your account(s) with Outlook

More information on what Integration is can be found here. Integration is recommend so it's worth reading up on.

If you choose to Integrate automatically at this stage InboxGuardian will change your settings in Outlook. If you're unsure then uncheck Integrate with Outlook and go through this tutorial which will explain how to Integrate manually.



The next step is to make there key preference choices.

1) Show the Unsure tab - if you chose to Integrate then choose this option. If you chose not to then leave it unchecked. Click the more info link in the dialog to learn more.

2) Keep spam email for X hours - it's recommended to keep spam email for at least a small period of time incase you accidently delete an email

3) Clean email every x minutes - This setting instructs InboxGuaridan to fetch email at regular intervals


That completes the manual add. Simply click the Finish button to complete the process and return to InboxGuardian.


InboxGuardian should autoamatically start receiving email for the account you have just added.

These emails will appear in the section shown in the image on the right.

There are some default filters already set up with InboxGuardian so you may see some email move to the Spam folder.

You're now free to delete emails you don't want, add filters and white/blacklists etc. Be sure to check out other tutorials if you get stuck.

If you need further help don't hesitate to contact support.


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